Hilal Merter
Head of Product Division Consumer Products, Sales, Marketing, Brand Communication, BSH Hausgeräte GmbH
Karriere-MeetUp am AusstellerstandEN
12.10.2023 | 10:00 – 10:45 Uhr
MeetUp am Aussteller:innen-Stand | Stand M.23
Never stop creating a new version of yourself!
In this meetup you will learn how to create and even re-create your authentic self, to grow out of challenges & opportunities and how to see progress and constant learning as values: Keep walking, growing and learning. Moreover, how watching “balance” in life by securing “me” time for reflection and health, taking quality time for family and friends and the virtue of cross learning from other disciplines. Last but not least: Going with the flow, looking for meaning and redefining success!
Thema/Themenreihe: Vereinbarkeit, Persönlichkeits- & Kompetenzentwicklung
Joblevel: Einstieg, Professionals, Leitungsfunktion, Quereinstieg
Details zum/r Referent/in: Hilal Merter
Vita: Hilal was born in Mannheim Germany and raised in Istanbul, where she obtained a Business Administration degree from the Boğaziçi University. She then moved to the U.S. to obtain her MA in Business Administration and International Marketing from Georgia Institute of Technology’s Scheller College of Business.
Passionate about marketing, decoding insights and solving consumer problems for sustainable business success, she started her career as a product manager at SC Johnson and respectively served as the Marketing Manager at Anadolu Efes for 6 years and as Brand and Trade Marketing Director at Imperial Tobacco for 9 years.
In 2008 she completed the ADP leadership training program at the London Business School. After her position as the Deputy General Manager at Komşu Fırın, she served as the General Manager of the Chairman’s Office in Yıldız Holding Corporation. During this period, she also became a member of the board of directors of SCA Yıldız Paper and Personal Care Products Inc.
Hilal was appointed as the Marketing Director in BSH Turkey in 2018, to head the marketing department and manage the portfolio of Bosch, Siemens, Profilo and Gaggenau brands & products for 3,5 years. Meanwhile, she participated in the “Strategy in the Age of Digital Disruption” program in 2020 at Insead Executive Education.
As of January 1st 2022 she was appointed to a new global role as BSH Consumer Products Global Brand Marketing Director, carrying out her new role at the BSH Munich headquarters.
As an executive and leader with more than twenty five years of experience in FMCG, white goods and retail sectors, Hilal has been enjoying a journey of constant learning, leading change and creating value, as she has been lucky to work for great brands and with great cross-functional, multinational teams over the years, performing in the fields of marketing, strategy, project and general management.
Hilal has 2 lovely daughters, Aylin (21) and Eylül (14), who she every day learns from, gets inspired and has fun with. She is a board member of Make A Wish Türkiye and a member of Women on Boards Association. She loves playing tennis, singing jazz, travelling to discover the world with special interest in wine regions and spending time with family and friends.
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