Berufliche Verhandlungen als Stolpersteine für weibliche Karrieren?
Die HBR-Autorinnen K. Valentine und H.R. Bowles „dispel three myths that are hampering women’s potential to seize opportunities and overcome barriers in their careers“:
Die Autorinnen bilanzieren:
„We’re in an unprecedented moment for employee negotiations. The pandemic accelerated the transformation of work practices, and we’re living through a historic labor migration and uncertain economic times in which organizations are struggling to attract and retain talent. In the subsequent surge in negotiation, if women and men are confined to outdated gender expectations, we could come out of this in an even more inequitable place. We can’t let myths about gender and negotiation stand in the way of co-creating a more equitable future of work.“

Ein Beitrag von Natascha Hoffner, Founder & CEO of herCAREER I WiWo-Kolumnistin I LinkedIn-TOP-Voice 2020 I W&V 2019 – 100 Köpfe
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