Wie werden die Führungskompetenzen von Frauen in entsprechenden Positionen eingeschätzt?
Damit beschäftigt sich ein Artikel von Jack Zenger und Joe Folkman in der Harvard Business Review Rev. Die Autoren kamen bei ihren Untersuchungen in den USA zu folgenden Ergebnissen:
„Women make highly competent leaders, according to those who work most closely with them — and what’s holding them back is not lack of capability but a dearth of opportunity. When given those opportunities, women are just as likely to succeed in higher level positions as men“, bilanzieren die Autoren und geben Handlungsempfehlungen:
„Leaders need to take a hard look at what gets in the way of promoting women in their organizations. Clearly, the unconscious bias that women don’t belong in senior level positions plays a big role. It’s imperative that organizations change the way they make hiring and promotion decisions and ensure that eligible women are given serious consideration. (…) There’s a need for organizations to give more encouragement to women. Leaders can assure them of their competence and encourage them to seek promotions earlier in their careers.“

Ein Beitrag von Natascha Hoffner, Founder & CEO of herCAREER I WiWo-Kolumnistin I LinkedIn-TOP-Voice 2020 I W&V 2019 – 100 Köpfe
veröffentlicht bei LinkedIn 29.11.2024