Abortions in Germany: “80 percent of people in Germany consider the illegality of abortions to be wrong”: The taz reports on a survey by Civey commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

“Remarkably, voters of all parties represented in the Bundestag clearly reject the illegality of abortions. Even within the Union, which opposes the legalization of abortions, it’s 77.5 percent, and within the AfD, it’s 67.4 percent. 93.9 percent of Left voters and 92.4 percent of Green voters consider the illegality to be wrong, while among SPD voters, it’s 87.5 percent.”

The SPD and Greens called for the abolition of the abortion ban in Section 218 of the Criminal Code in their election programs. Today, an expert commission commissioned by the traffic light coalition presented its results on the question of whether and how abortions could be regulated outside of criminal law. The commission recommends the legalization of abortions in the first three months.

Also in taz: an interview with Daphne Hahn, professor of health sciences and empirical social research, former chair of Pro Familia, and head of a study on the experiences and life situations of involuntarily pregnant women.

“More than half of the women surveyed found it difficult to find sufficient and good information about abortions. Of those, half were afraid of being judged poorly if they wanted an abortion. Almost half wanted or had to keep the abortion secret. Both reflect stigma,” says Hahn. “All of the women we interviewed who had abortions felt guilty that contraception had failed for them. This responsibility is socially attributed to them – and they accept it.”

It’s also difficult for medical professionals who perform abortions: “Their work is not perceived as good, important medical work, but as something dirty, bad. Twenty-four percent of doctors have been threatened at least once.” Thus, the supply situation in this country significantly lags behind the standard recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

At least now, there seems to be movement in the debate on Section 218.