Aminata Touré: In 2022, the first Person of Color in a ministerial office, and in 2024, the first (and youngest) Black Vice Minister-President of a German federal state.

Aminata Touré, the Green Minister of Social Affairs in Schleswig-Holstein, will assume the role of Deputy Minister-President at the end of July, succeeding Finance Minister Monika Heinold, who announced her withdrawal into private life. Schleswig-Holstein is governed by a coalition of the CDU and Greens.

Prime Minister Daniel Günther expressed his anticipation for continued collaboration with Aminata Touré, stating, “Our cooperation in the cabinet has always been very trusting, and it will now be even closer in her new role as Deputy Minister-President.”

Touré has demonstrated her ability to assume responsibility, remarked Monika Heinold, adding that as the youngest Deputy Minister-President, she is “an inspirational figure for people who might otherwise not see themselves represented in society.”

Aminata Touré expressed her excitement for this new role, stating, “I am convinced that as a black-green coalition, we will continue to make policy that is close to the people.”


Published by herCAREER, 
Posted on LinkedIn on 03.07.2024