On her personal LinkedIn page, Natascha Hoffner, founder and initiator of herCAREER, presents every week topics that move her. In the posts of herVIEW series, she shares exciting articles around the topics of Women in Leadership, Gender Equality or Female Career. Follow Natascha on LinkedIn to never miss a post in the future.

Aminata Touré: first (and youngest) Black Vice Minister-President of Germany!

2024-07-10T09:36:30+02:0003. Jul 2024|Politics, Society, herVIEW|

Aminata Touré: In 2022, the first Person of Color in a ministerial office, and in 2024, the first (and youngest) Black Vice Minister-President of a German federal state. [...]

EU elections and youth study: “People are socialising into democracy”

2024-06-24T08:41:51+02:0019. Jun 2024|Politics, Society, herVIEW|

For the first time, people aged 16 and over took part in the EU elections in Germany. According to a survey by Infratest dimap, 16 to 24-year-olds voted for 17% voted [...]

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