On her personal LinkedIn page, Natascha Hoffner, founder and initiator of herCAREER, presents every week topics that move her. In the posts of herVIEW series, she shares exciting articles around the topics of Women in Leadership, Gender Equality or Female Career. Follow Natascha on LinkedIn to never miss a post in the future.

Retraditionalisation is almost a trivialising word

2024-06-04T09:59:31+02:0004. Jun 2020|Society, Family & Compatibility, herVIEW|

I am very impressed by the work of Professor Jutta Allmendinger, President of the Social Science Research Centre Berlin. She writes in Die ZEIT: ‘Women's satisfaction is plummeting, their satisfaction with their [...]

In the crisis, compatibility once again becomes a private matter

2024-06-04T09:21:45+02:0004. Jun 2020|Society, Family & Compatibility, herVIEW|

‘Under the conditions of the crisis, the care of children, their education and the compatibility with employment is once again becoming a private matter,’ according to a study by the Konrad Adenauer [...]

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