On her personal LinkedIn page, Natascha Hoffner, founder and initiator of herCAREER, presents every week topics that move her. In the posts of herVIEW series, she shares exciting articles around the topics of Women in Leadership, Gender Equality or Female Career. Follow Natascha on LinkedIn to never miss a post in the future.

Das Ehegattensplitting braucht eine grundlegende Reform

2023-03-02T16:33:46+01:0001. Jun 2022|herVIEW|

„Das Ehegattensplitting wurde in den Fünfzigerjahren eingeführt, um Frauen vom Erwerbsleben fernzuhalten. Heute propagieren fast alle Parteien das Gegenteil. Das Splitting aber bleibt.“ Das schrieb das Magazin brandeins vor rund sieben Jahren [...]

  • herVIEW - Unsichtbare Frauen

Invisible Women

2024-04-24T10:08:08+02:0024. Apr 2021|Society, Family & Compatibility, herVIEW|

Caroline Criado-Perez describes in her book "Invisible Women" the ongoing discrimination against women. Using numerous examples, she demonstrates that the world we live in is not neutral but rather designed for men. [...]

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