Interview series herWHYVarious studies show that it is very important for women in particular to have a meaningful job. That’s why we at herCAREER would like to know more and trace the “purpose” of women in their jobs in the interview series herWHY: What defines a job for women? How do they create? Which changes can be made by them? By answering five questions in an authentic way, women report from their own personal point of view how they were able to get to where they are today in their company. In this series, we show which career paths women can follow and what alternative paths exist.Would you like to be part of the series? Feel free to contact us.
Young women are becoming increasingly left-wing, while young men are becoming increasingly right-wing
"Young women are becoming increasingly left-wing, young men increasingly right-wing. The reason: patriarchal feelings of threat are systematically cultivated," writes Markus Theunert in the Tages-Anzeiger. Financial Times, other [...]