Offer sparringThe people below are part of the herCAREER community and make themselves available as sparring partners. Network across hierarchies with personalities from business, academia and politics for a professional exchange.

Empowering Women: Navigating Intercultural Business Success and Breaking barriers as an Arabic Woman

2023-10-05T11:21:04+02:0005. Oct 2023|Offer Sparring, Mentoring & Networking, herEXPERIENCE|

Rana Alnasir-Boulos works as a Director Business Development for EITEP. She explored her unique journey of an Arabic woman in the world of business and intercultural empowerment. In this interview with herCAREER [...]

My growth as a female researcher and leader in the academic world

2024-01-03T07:36:37+01:0005. Oct 2022|Sparring partner wanted, Offer Sparring, Science, Digitalization & Technology, Career path & Application, Find mentors, herEXPERIENCE|

Participants learn about the many opportunities for researchers and women as well (!) or in particular, to grow and take up leadership roles in the academic world. "Really follow your [...]

Pivoting into tech – How women of all backgrounds can make a difference

2023-04-24T11:09:37+02:0004. Oct 2022|Career path & Application, herEXPERIENCE, Sparring partner wanted, Offer Sparring, Development of personality and competences|

Henrieke has changed her career path several times. In this talk, she will share how you too can effectively transition into tech from other careers, and why it can be a win-win [...]

“I’ve always been fascinated by how technology makes our world more efficient.”

2022-07-25T16:39:19+02:0025. Jul 2022|Sparring partner wanted, Offer Sparring, Science, Digitalization & Technology, herWHY|

Taking a look behind the scenes of companies: In the interview series herWHY, female employees give an insight and a very personal view of their job. They report on how they got [...]

Ethics are not a USP – How to start a social business

2024-01-03T07:40:00+01:0021. Jan 2022|Offer Sparring, Startup & Entrepreneurship, herEXPERIENCE|

It seems like "Social Business" has become a sort of Buzzword. It is "cool" and "trendy" to start a social start up. But what does it really mean? What is a Social [...]

Being a young female leader in a male-dominated sector – what now?

2024-01-03T07:41:02+01:0001. Sep 2021|Offer Sparring, Leadership & Communication, Career path & Application, Find mentors, herEXPERIENCE|

Do I need to fake a deep voice? Can I adapt to the work culture? What about wearing nail polish? In this MeetUp you talk to Bahar Ucar, Head of a Business [...]

Lifehacks on how to survive a stressful & pressuring work environment without losing your creativity & joy

2024-01-03T07:41:57+01:0031. Aug 2021|Offer Sparring, Development of personality and competences, Startup & Entrepreneurship, herEXPERIENCE|

I am Lena, a product designer that has founded a company without ever planning it. For the last 3 years, I have been working on my own product. This has been the [...]

Controller vs. Data Scientist – The Sexiest Jobs of the 21st Century

2024-01-03T07:43:06+01:0031. Aug 2021|Mentoring & Networking, herEXPERIENCE, Offer Sparring, Career path & Application|

Controllers have existed for many years and represent one of the most important positions in companies. The profession of Data Scientist, on the other hand, has become increasingly popular in recent years [...]

Diverse career paths in the mobility sector beyond a classical engineering education

2024-01-03T07:43:54+01:0017. May 2021|Sparring partner wanted, Offer Sparring, Science, Digitalization & Technology, herEXPERIENCE|

The only way to a successful career in the mobility sector is to study engineering? By no means! Mobility is becoming greener, smarter and more passenger centric. Societal trends (digitisation, urbanisation, …) [...]

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