PoliticsFor example, we deal with topics such as equal rights, leadership crises or quota regulations. Strong women tell their stories and men how they work for equality.

  • herVIEW - Jung, männlich, abhängig?

Young, male, left behind?

2024-10-02T07:38:14+02:0001. Oct 2024|Politics, Society, herVIEW|

"Is it a boy? Then new parents (according to statistics) must prepare for bigger problems. This is what Martin Spiewak writes at ZEIT ONLINE. 'In their development, boys lag behind girls. They [...]

  • herVIEW - Wie wählen junge Menschen und warum?

How do young people vote, and why?

2025-02-10T08:12:42+01:0004. Sep 2024|Politics, Society, herVIEW|

Why are more and more young people voting for far-right parties? For the 2024 Youth Election Study by the Institute for Generational Research—published shortly before the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia—16 [...]

#MeToo in China

2024-08-02T07:58:17+02:0029. Jul 2024|Politics, Society|

"How China Lets Its Women Down," headlines the Süddeutsche Zeitung. "A doctoral student at a prestigious university in Beijing accuses her supervisor of sexual harassment—an accusation that is not [...]

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