PoliticsFor example, we deal with topics such as equal rights, leadership crises or quota regulations. Strong women tell their stories and men how they work for equality.

Family time for fathers

2024-06-12T10:50:25+02:0006. Jun 2024|Politics, Society|

Family Time for Fathers: "For years, the government has been dragging its feet on allowing fathers to spend two weeks with their families after childbirth. Now even employers are protesting," writes Tillmann [...]

Right Now. For Everyone.

2024-06-05T09:52:33+02:0003. Jun 2024|Politics, Society|

"We keep eyes, ears, doors, and hearts open. For a peaceful society," write the initiators of the campaign #RightNowForEveryone. "But for how much longer?" Thousands of non-profit organizations [...]

“We can shape the future”

2024-05-29T09:38:49+02:0021. May 2024|Politics, Society|

"In Germany, we have so many assets that we can leverage. It's just that we tend to talk them down and underestimate them," says Vera Schneevoigt in an interview with Christoph Pause [...]

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