PoliticsFor example, we deal with topics such as equal rights, leadership crises or quota regulations. Strong women tell their stories and men how they work for equality.

“We Are the Fire Wall”

2024-09-18T18:47:56+02:0012. Feb 2024|Politics, Society|

'That a research effort now leads to millions of people taking to the streets, that a movement is emerging from this, has never happened in the Federal Republic,' said Jeannette Gusko, managing [...]

Putin’s War Against Women

2024-09-18T18:40:36+02:0006. Feb 2024|Politics, Society|

In the first novel by Finnish-Estonian author Sofi Oksanen, she addressed the sexualized violence inflicted on women in Estonia during the Soviet occupation. She has now written the essay "Putin's War Against [...]

AfD and feminist women’s demands?

2025-01-28T14:43:33+01:0030. Jan 2024|Politics, Society|

"The AfD surprises with demands that sound almost feminist. A 'poisoned offer'—against the backdrop of a truly reactionary image of women and families, comments Simone Schmollack on Deutschlandfunk Kultur. The cultural segment [...]

Fake News on Facebook

2024-09-18T19:12:55+02:0029. Jan 2024|Politics, Society|

Member of the Bundestag Renate KĂĽnast (Green Party) has achieved another legal victory against the Facebook company Meta in the dispute over the removal of false quotes on the internet, as reported [...]

Proportion of Women in Politics

2024-10-21T18:17:44+02:0019. Jan 2024|Politics, Society|

"The proportion of women in the Bundestag is increasing only slowly. This is due to the conservatives, but also to the women's organizations within the parties," reads an article in the *Frankfurter [...]

The Gender Pay Gap During COVID-19

2024-10-23T09:02:23+02:0016. Jan 2024|Politics, Society|

"The gender pay gap narrowed during the coronavirus crisis – except for low earnings," reads the headline of a brief report by the Institute for Employment Research of the German Federal Employment [...]

Ferda Ataman on gender-inclusive language

2024-10-23T19:06:35+02:0009. Jan 2024|Society, Politics|

"The Federal Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Ferda Ataman, considers warnings about gender-inclusive language to be 'tactical noise' and bans a step backward. It's about showing respect to people, she says in an interview with [...]

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