Science, Digitalization & TechnologyEverything about agile working, digital leadership and networking, which options there are to change careers towards programming and which possibilities there are to help shape digitalization.

How NetApp is Leading the Way with Digital Transformation

2024-01-03T07:37:32+01:0004. Oct 2022|Development of personality and competences, Science, Digitalization & Technology, Find mentors, herEXPERIENCE|

The advancement of your career requires an environment where you can thrive and feel empowered to follow your aspirations. In this session, Giovanna Sangiorgi, SVP EMEA & LATAM at NetApp, will share [...]

How to manage a successful career and level up in the German tech industry

2024-01-03T07:38:50+01:0030. Sep 2022|Science, Digitalization & Technology, Career path & Application, Find mentors, herEXPERIENCE|

In this interactive MeetUp, participants will learn from Nimmy's experiences on how to build a strong career in the German tech industry as a woman, mother and a foreigner resident in Munich. [...]

“I’ve always been fascinated by how technology makes our world more efficient.”

2022-07-25T16:39:19+02:0025. Jul 2022|Sparring partner wanted, Offer Sparring, Science, Digitalization & Technology, herWHY|

Taking a look behind the scenes of companies: In the interview series herWHY, female employees give an insight and a very personal view of their job. They report on how they got [...]

The Roots, Consequences, and Solutions to our Global Crisis of Connection

2024-05-06T11:22:53+02:0001. Jul 2022|Science, Digitalization & Technology, Academy, Society|

Watch the full & free video now! Video on Demand We are experiencing a crisis of connection, says Niobe Way, a psychology professor at New York [...]

“Being a team leader serves a very similar purpose to my childhood dream job”

2024-01-03T07:47:32+01:0009. May 2022|Leadership & Communication, Science, Digitalization & Technology, herWHY|

Taking a look behind the scenes of companies: In the interview series herWHY, female employees give an insight and a very personal view of their job. They report on how they got [...]

“Luck is the most underestimated career factor”

2024-05-06T11:19:30+02:0001. Mar 2022|Leadership & Communication, Science, Digitalization & Technology, Personalities|

The question which role luck plays in personnel selection is Chengwei Liu's speciality. The luck researcher is convinced that companies could advance their diversity if they skilfully use the principle of chance [...]

Luck or performance? What really matters in a leadership career

2024-05-06T11:29:19+02:0016. Feb 2022|Leadership & Communication, Science, Digitalization & Technology, Academy|

Watch the full & free video now! Video on Demand What factors are crucial for someone to be not just good, but great at their job? Personal [...]

“Supporting my team members on a continuous professional growth and learning path is an important responsibility”

2022-02-08T12:19:22+01:0007. Feb 2022|Science, Digitalization & Technology, herWHY|

Taking a look behind the scenes of companies: In the interview series herWHY, female employees give an insight and a very personal view of their job. They report on how they got [...]

Podcast: Staying and thriving in a men’s world

2023-05-03T08:30:09+02:0004. Oct 2021|Science, Digitalization & Technology, Podcasts, Career path & Application|

The content of the Podcast When Alice Bennati started working in the automotive market 22 years ago, Alice was the only woman in almost every room she entered. She faced conscious and [...]

Diverse career paths in the mobility sector beyond a classical engineering education

2024-01-03T07:43:54+01:0017. May 2021|Science, Digitalization & Technology, herEXPERIENCE, Sparring partner wanted, Offer Sparring|

The only way to a successful career in the mobility sector is to study engineering? By no means! Mobility is becoming greener, smarter and more passenger centric. Societal trends (digitisation, urbanisation, …) [...]

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