
In the “Society” category, experts, insiders and role models report on topics such as career opportunities for women, women as role models, gender portrayal in social media and the gender pay gap. Here, personalities who want to change something and do not accept the status quo have their say. You can learn from their experiences and expand your network. “Society” is an offer of the herCAREER expo, the leading expo for women’s career planning. You can get to the ticket store for admission tickets here.

  • herVIEW - The digital guardian angel

The digital guardian angel

2025-03-27T11:57:25+01:0027. Mar 2025|herVIEW, Politics, Society|

Helping women gain more visibility is a central mission of herCAREER — and it’s working, both at our expo and throughout the year through our platform’s ongoing efforts. What makes the difference [...]

  • herVIEW Beitrag - Wo Frauen in der Ă–ffentlichkeit sichtbar sind und sich engagieren, erleben sie Anfeindungen.

MĂĽssen wir das hinnehmen? Auf keinen Fall!

Attacked and abandoned

2025-03-13T12:08:31+01:0013. Mar 2025|herVIEW, Politics, Society|

Where women are visible in public and take a stand, they face hostility. Do we have to accept this? Absolutely not! One woman who, together with her team, fights against it every [...]

  • herVIEW Beitrag Demokratie jetzt erstrecht

Every voice counts!

2025-02-19T11:15:16+01:0019. Feb 2025|herVIEW, Politics, Society|

"Democracy: Now More Than Ever!" Under this campaign title, Isabelle Gardt from OMR 5050 and Prof. Dr. Alexandra Wuttig from IU Internationale Hochschule invited guests to Berlin last week [...]

More Protection for Women Against Violence

2025-02-10T07:04:01+01:0006. Feb 2025|Politics, Society|

Last Friday, the Bundestag finally passed the long-planned Violence Assistance Act. Statistically speaking, almost every day, a man murders a woman in Germany—in most cases, his (ex-)partner. Nearly 400 women every day [...]

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