
In the “Society” category, experts, insiders and role models report on topics such as career opportunities for women, women as role models, gender portrayal in social media and the gender pay gap. Here, personalities who want to change something and do not accept the status quo have their say. You can learn from their experiences and expand your network. “Society” is an offer of the herCAREER expo, the leading expo for women’s career planning. You can get to the ticket store for admission tickets here.

  • herVIEW - Die Jugend ist besser als man denk

Better than you think!

2024-11-07T14:30:17+01:0007. Nov 2024|Politics, Society, herVIEW|

"The current generation of youth is pragmatic, open-minded, and has a very positive outlook on the future," says Mathias Albert, head of the new Shell Youth Study, in an interview with ZEIT [...]

  • herVIEW - Die Demokratie braucht Unbeugsame

The democracy needs the unyielding

2025-02-10T08:21:28+01:0014. Oct 2024|herVIEW, Politics, Society|

"Democracy must defend itself now." "Hopefully, it will defend itself quickly enough." Recently, the film "Die Unbeugsamen 2" was released in theaters, portraying women in the former East Germany (GDR). "Die Unbeugsamen [...]

  • herVIEW - Jung, männlich, abhängig?

Young, male, left behind?

2024-10-02T07:38:14+02:0001. Oct 2024|Politics, Society, herVIEW|

"Is it a boy? Then new parents (according to statistics) must prepare for bigger problems. This is what Martin Spiewak writes at ZEIT ONLINE. 'In their development, boys lag behind girls. They [...]

  • herVIEW - Wie wählen junge Menschen und warum?

How do young people vote, and why?

2025-02-10T08:12:42+01:0004. Sep 2024|Politics, Society, herVIEW|

Why are more and more young people voting for far-right parties? For the 2024 Youth Election Study by the Institute for Generational Research—published shortly before the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia—16 [...]

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