
In the “Society” category, experts, insiders and role models report on topics such as career opportunities for women, women as role models, gender portrayal in social media and the gender pay gap. Here, personalities who want to change something and do not accept the status quo have their say. You can learn from their experiences and expand your network. “Society” is an offer of the herCAREER expo, the leading expo for women’s career planning. You can get to the ticket store for admission tickets here.

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Low global birth rates

2024-06-10T15:07:40+02:0008. Apr 2024|Society, herVIEW|

South Korea has the lowest birth rate in the world, as reported by the BBC. It has been decreasing for years, dropping by another 8% to 0.72 in 2023. For a population [...]

Why so many rapes go unreported

2024-06-05T09:49:42+02:0025. Mar 2024|Politics, Society|

"Go to the police": When it comes to sexual violence, that's easier said than done. Only one in ten rapes is reported at all. Johanna Dürrholz and Franziska Pröll explore why so [...]

Alcohol Consumption and Emancipation

2024-06-18T07:40:03+02:0021. Mar 2024|Society|

"It has consequences that we associate alcohol consumption with emancipation. Sad and contradictory consequences." "Why this is the case, whether men suffer differently from their alcohol consumption than [...]

Gender ban in Bavaria

2024-06-18T07:45:02+02:0020. Mar 2024|Politics, Society|

There are already many excellent posts on LinkedIn about the Bavarian state government's gender ban with creative suggestions. Katja Berlin comments with her wonderful cakes – one of [...]

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