Startup & Entrepreneurship

Get tips from insiders and role models who know what it takes to start a business and make your self-employment successful.

Podcast: Sophie Lacoste – Joy at work and why we should fight for it

2023-05-03T08:00:36+02:0002. Feb 2022|Leadership & Communication, Startup & Entrepreneurship, Podcasts|

Sophie Lacoste is today’s speaker. Her name is known through the Fashion Brand with a crocodile, founded by her grandfather René Lacoste. Sophie Lacoste was part of the management board of Lacoste [...]

Ethics are not a USP – How to start a social business

2024-01-03T07:40:00+01:0021. Jan 2022|Offer Sparring, Startup & Entrepreneurship, herEXPERIENCE|

It seems like "Social Business" has become a sort of Buzzword. It is "cool" and "trendy" to start a social start up. But what does it really mean? What is a Social [...]

Lifehacks on how to survive a stressful & pressuring work environment without losing your creativity & joy

2024-01-03T07:41:57+01:0031. Aug 2021|Offer Sparring, Development of personality and competences, Startup & Entrepreneurship, herEXPERIENCE|

I am Lena, a product designer that has founded a company without ever planning it. For the last 3 years, I have been working on my own product. This has been the [...]

When Green meets Lean – Product development in a Green tech start-up

2024-01-03T07:44:34+01:0025. Jan 2021|Sparring partner wanted, Offer Sparring, Startup & Entrepreneurship, herEXPERIENCE|

The vision of making a contribution to a future worth living in, the ambition to develop a digital solution for companies worldwide, together with an international team. And then? How can product [...]

Sophie Lacoste Dournel: “We should listen more to ourselves”

2024-01-03T07:50:54+01:0020. Apr 2020|Personalities, Development of personality and competences, Startup & Entrepreneurship|

A family dispute cost Sophie Lacoste and her family the famous fashion company with the crocodile. But today she sees it in a positive light: together with her brother, she bought the [...]

Building a tech startup – lessons learned

2021-10-05T15:19:11+02:0001. Oct 2018|Sparring partner wanted, Offer Sparring, Startup & Entrepreneurship, Science, Digitalization & Technology|

In this talk Mimi Sewalski CEO of will share her insights and lessons learned in building a tech startup and an online market place for eco fashion. Presented by moinworld e.V. [...]

Designing your career as you go

2018-09-27T18:21:12+02:0021. Sep 2018|Sparring partner wanted, Offer Sparring, Development of personality and competences, Startup & Entrepreneurship|

How do I know, it is time to re-define my career? Pavla Lokajova is a Prague-based writer, content creator, aspiring global journalist and future-of-everything enthusiast. Her journey in media started 10 [...]

Founders Pitch: Looking for a Marketing Cofounder

2021-10-05T15:59:10+02:0020. Sep 2018|Sparring partner wanted, Offer Sparring, Startup & Entrepreneurship, Career path & Application|

Entrepreneur with passion Crowdpouch is the world’s first crowdfunding as a Service platform currently in BETA version. Crowdpouch aims to help people, startups and organizations raise funds efficiently and in an [...]

Passion first – how to build a mission-driven career

2018-09-27T17:49:50+02:0019. Sep 2018|Startup & Entrepreneurship, Science, Digitalization & Technology|

How to find the career of their dreams? As a medical doctor, CEO and co-founder of Ariana Digital Health Solutions GmbH, Dr. Carol Wildhagen is passionate about the positive impact of [...]

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