“Democracy must defend itself now.”
“Hopefully, it will defend itself quickly enough.”
Recently, the film “Die Unbeugsamen 2” was released in theaters, portraying women in the former East Germany (GDR). “Die Unbeugsamen 1” focused on women in West Germany (FRG). Gabriele Stötzer is one of the protagonists in “2”, while Christa Nickels is one of the figures featured in “1”. The SĂĽddeutsche Zeitung conducted an engaging interview with both of them.
The artist Gabriele Stötzer spent a year in prison in 1977 as an “enemy of the state.” In 1997, Green Party politician Christa Nickels gave a groundbreaking speech in the Bundestag, in which she addressed her father’s Nazi past.
Democracy is not something we take for granted at herCAREER either! That’s why, together with our partners, we provide a platform for this topic at the herCAREER Expo, as well as for combating hate, racism, classism, sexism, and more. To name just two events as examples:
We support Gabriele Stötzer’s call to look forward:
“If someone asks me today what advice I would give to young people, I say: I don’t want to hear what you criticize. Tell me how you envision society. Put that into words, and put in a little effort.”

Posted by Natascha Hoffner, Founder & CEO of herCAREER, WiWo columnist, LinkedIn TOP Voice 2020, W&V 2019 – 100 Köpfe
published on LinkedIn on 11.10.2024
- https://www.sueddeutsche.de/projekte/artikel/politik/wiedervereinigung-bsw-afd-diktatur-demokratie-e096379/
- For the program item at the herCAREER Expo 2024, organized and moderated by female.vision: https://www.her-career.com/pvortrag/quo-vadis-europa-worauf-es-jetzt-ankommt-wenn-wir-unsere-freiheitliche-demokratie-nicht-den-populisten-ueberlassen-wollen-hercareer-expo-2024
- For the program and moderated by de’ge’pol W | Das Netzwerk der Politikberaterinnen: https://www.her-career.com/pvortrag/wirtschaft-gegen-rechts-welche-verantwortung-tragen-unternehmen-fuer-unsere-demokratie-hercareer-expo-2024/