herVIEW Beitrag Demokratie jetzt erstrecht

“Democracy: Now More Than Ever!” Under this campaign title, Isabelle Gardt from OMR 5050 and Prof. Dr. Alexandra Wuttig from IU Internationale Hochschule invited guests to Berlin last week to emphasize the importance of democratic values in these times of change. I was honored to be one of the approximately 140 invited women. Many thanks for this opportunity!

I also want to express my gratitude for the speeches by Teresa BĂĽcker, who pointed out that engagement for democracy requires a lot of time and energy, and Sally Lisa Starken, who presented her book “Zu Besuch am rechten Rand. Warum Menschen AfD wählen” (“Visiting the Far Right: Why People Vote for the AfD”).

Each invited guest was encouraged to use her voice for a video statement in the spirit of the campaign’s motto. Just before the Bundestag elections, we want to send a strong message for democracy together and, with this digital “chain of engagement”, show that democracy is alive and that every voice counts – including yours.

Think democracy. Live democracy. Now more than ever!

Together with the herCAREER team, I encourage all of you to strengthen democracy with your vote this coming Sunday.

Democracy requires active participation. Every vote makes a difference, and not voting also impacts the election results – as organizations like Working Moms e.V. clearly demonstrate (link in the comments).

However: “Democratically elected parties are not always democratic parties,” warns Maja Göpel in an interview with PULS 24 (link in the comments).

#BTW25: Vote well-informed!
To help, we have created a landing page with links to many insightful contributions (link in the comments).

Democracy thrives on exchange – not confrontation.
Not by throwing opposing views at each other, but through genuine dialogue that starts with listening and asking questions. What do others think, and why?
Maybe we can encourage someone to reflect on their own position? This works best between people who know each other.

At the Berlin event, I took the opportunity to talk about networks, women’s rights, and diversity in companies, why young people feel unheard, the influence of social media on democracy, whether we need a vision for the future, and how we can engage without overburdening ourselves.

With herCAREER, we always view women’s careers in connection with economic and socio-political issues*. We provide space for these topics at our Expo and in our community – through talks, discussions, and networking. Save the date: October 9-10, 2025, at MOC Munich!

herVIEW - Natascha Hoffner

Posted by Natascha Hoffner,Founder & CEO of herCAREER | Recipient of the FTAfelicitas Award from Femtec.Alumnae e.V. | LinkedIn Top Voice 2020 | Editor of the “Women of the Year” books published by Callwey Verlag
published on LinkedIn on 19.02.2025