HR Executives among themselves
HR managers who want to recruit more women for specialist and management positions often get nowhere with traditional recruiting and talent management. Creative new approaches are needed. “From HR to HR” is a series of Expert MeetUps topics that enable HR managers to share their experiences.
How would women like to be addressed in job postings? How do women prefer to be recruited – through contact on a personal level or even through algorithms and bots? How attractive are offers such as job sharing, part-time or (cross-)mentoring?
HR managers have the opportunity to meet peers and discuss new initiatives and challenges at this new career platform, provided in ccoperation with the Bundesverband der Personalmanager (BPM) and the Allbright Stiftung. Initiated by the impetus of an experienced HR expert, you can discuss different ways of supporting women in their career paths in groups of up to 7 other participants, apart from the speaker.