Young women are becoming increasingly left-wing, while young men are becoming increasingly right-wing

2024-03-07T14:37:49+01:0028. Feb 2024|herWHY, Politics, Society|

"Young women are becoming increasingly left-wing, young men increasingly right-wing. The reason: patriarchal feelings of threat are systematically cultivated," writes Markus Theunert in the Tages-Anzeiger. Financial Times, other [...]

The inheritance question: Do we need higher taxes and more transparency?

2024-02-19T11:50:09+01:0019. Feb 2024|Law & Taxation, Society, herVIEW|

The annual inheritance volume in Germany (including gifts) amounts to up to 400 billion euros, as estimated by a study commissioned by the Hans Böckler Foundation in 2017. 400 billion per year. [...]

“You can’t be a great manager without becoming a bias interrupter”

2023-12-12T10:46:01+01:0012. Dec 2023|Leadership & Communication, Society, herVIEW|

„Companies spend millions on antibias training each year in hopes of creating more-inclusive—and thereby innovative and effective—workforces. Studies show that well-managed diverse groups perform better and are more committed, have higher collective [...]

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