Shortly before the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the World Economic Forum calculated that the GenderGap could close in 99 years.
“Corona will radically shorten this period, progress will accelerate. The regression to old times is canceled. In 20 years, women will earn more than men because they are more crisis-resistant. Want to bet?” writes Daniel Dettling, political scientist & futurist in Handelsblatt.
Countries and companies that focus on #diversity and #equality are more economically successful, socially happier, and overall more resilient.
In the #GenderEquality Index of the EU Commission, Germany ranks only 12th, and in education, it ranks 24th. Iceland has been the leader for years. The global financial crisis in 2008 was the starting point for an equality offensive there: a 40% quota for boards of directors of all companies with more than 50 employees.
In Germany, there is only a #quota of 30% for supervisory boards in listed companies. Among the ten European countries with a legally binding quota for large companies, Germany ranks last, according to DER SPIEGEL.
The unanswered question remains: What measures will enable us to achieve change?

Posted by Natascha Hoffner, Founder & CEO of herCAREER, WiWo columnist, LinkedIn TOP Voice 2020, W&V 2019 – 100 Köpfe
published on LinkedIn on 19.06.2020