More than every second working woman in Germany cannot sustain herself long-term on her income.

A #study by the women in the DGB – German Trade Union Confederation revealed this, as reported by the taz.

For 53% of employed women, their earnings are not sufficient to ensure financial security over their lifetime. During periods without employment (due to illness, unemployment, or retirement), they lack financial protection.

70% of working women cannot sustain themselves and a child (or multiple children) long-term on their income.

“This precarious situation is not the result of individual decisions but rather the consequence of structural conditions that push women into economic dependence,” state the DGB women.

Why isn’t the income enough? The facts:

  • Women interrupt their employment more frequently and for longer periods than men.

  • They work significantly more often in part-time positions.

  • Their hourly wages are on average about 20% lower.

  • In couples with children, the man usually remains the primary earner and takes on fewer household and childcare responsibilities:

    • In 44% of families, the man works full-time while the woman works part-time.
    • In 26% only the man is employed.
    • In 14% both partners work full-time.
    • In 3% only the woman is employed.

The DGB demands:

  • Expansion of childcare infrastructure

  • Promotion of equal sharing of work in families (e.g., paternity leave after birth, more non-transferable parental leave months)

  • Subsidies for household-related services

  • Elimination of misguided incentives in social and tax law (spousal splitting; mini-jobs)

  • Push back the low-wage sector

Although the gender pay gap decreased from 18% to 16% in 2024, income inequality between men and women remains a significant issue.

In the taz, Simone Schmollack highlights what the state must do to address this—see the DGB’s demands. However, she also advises:
“Women should stop relying on their partners as secure sources of income and making themselves financially dependent. They should never give up their jobs, no matter how much their partner earns. They should return to work soon after parental leave and, in most cases, avoid part-time work. This also helps reduce the wage gap, as part-time employment is one of its main drivers.

Equality must also be negotiated within relationships. Following one’s own career and life aspirations—expecting not only the state but also one’s partner to support them—is neither presumptuous nor unrealistic but deeply feminist.”

For Michaela Mahler, #EqualCare is the key to workplace equality, as she explains in an interview with herCAREER. And in the #herCAREER podcast, Angelika Nake speaks with Sandra Runge about financial security in partnerships and advocates for prenuptial agreements.

What’s your perspective on this topic?

herVIEW - Natascha Hoffner

Posted by Natascha Hoffner,Founder & CEO of herCAREER | Recipient of the FTAfelicitas Award from Femtec.Alumnae e.V. | LinkedIn Top Voice 2020 | Editor of the “Women of the Year” books published by Callwey Verlag
published on LinkedIn on 26.02.2025