We’re kicking off the new year with herCAREER – and starting the week with a focus on resilience!
According to the Süddeutsche Zeitung , a #study found that future-oriented thinking impacts stress levels, motivation, and people’s drive. Optimism – or rather hope – has a positive influence. It fosters the motivation to keep going, to pursue one’s goals even under stress or challenging circumstances, and to tap into new energy resources. Hope helps in seeking solutions and maintaining control over one’s thoughts and reactions. Hope as a catalyst: It prompts action. The U.S. psychologist Clive Snyder developed a theory of hope based on three core components:
“Optimism and hope are entirely different from simply wishing for something,” says the Süddeutsche Zeitung. “It’s a way of thinking. This means hope can also be cultivated.”
According to Dan Tomasulo, a psychology professor at Columbia University, hopeful people set clear, actionable goals and work towards achieving them. They focus on the “here and now” by taking manageable steps (micro-goals) to make progress. These small successes help build positive momentum and create an upward spiral of action and achievement.
Optimism often arises in difficult situations and is strengthened by focusing on what is within one’s control. This also includes forgiving oneself and not tying one’s self-worth to whether something was achieved or not. Optimistic individuals don’t let their emotional reactions be dictated by circumstances.
When something negative happens, Tomasulo suggests we should first “hit pause.” Pausing allows us to perceive the situation more consciously. The next step: evaluate the situation and ask yourself what needs to be done – and what resources, skills, and motivation you have available.
This means: optimism is not just a positive attitude. Optimistic people are also creative problem-solvers.
“Resilience doesn’t mean preventing crises and setbacks but dealing with them constructively,” says top management coach Prof. Heidi Stopper in a conversation with Stefanie Hornung for herCAREER. In the herCAREER podcast, she shares numerous tips on this topic – it’s worth listening in!
Posted by Natascha Hoffner, Founder & CEO of herCAREER | Recipient of the FTAfelicitas Award from Femtec.Alumnae e.V. | LinkedIn Top Voice 2020 | Editor of the “Women of the Year” books published by Callwey Verlag#
posted on LinkedIn on 09.01.2025
- https://www.sueddeutsche.de/gesundheit/psychologie-professor-sagt-hoffnung-ist-der-schluessel-zur-resilienz-so-geht-s-dpa.urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-241017-930-262787
- Here is the link to the interview with Prof. Heidi Stopper: https://www.her-career.com/resilienz-heidi-stopper/
- Here is the link to the podcast with Prof. Heidi Stopper: https://www.her-career.com/warum-fuehrungskraefte-resilienz-brauchen/