Annahita Esmailzadeh

Category: Podcast Speaker

Annahita Esmailzadeh

IT manager at Microsoft
Business influencer and SPIEGEL bestselling author

Annahita Esmailzadeh is a executive at Microsoft. Previously, she was responsible for the innovation department at SAP Labs in Munich as the Head of Innovation. She is a highly acclaimed business informatics expert, bestselling author, and one of the most well-known and influential female business influencers and keynote speakers in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). She utilizes her media and social network presence to promote diversity, inclusion, as well as modern cultural and leadership approaches in the workplace. She has been recognized as a “diversity fighter” by brand eins magazine and a “digital pioneer” by t3n magazine. Focus magazine named her one of the 100 Women of the Year 2022. The business magazine Business Insider selected her as one of the top 25 future-makers who are changing and shaping the German economy. In recognition of her commitment, she has also received the European Medal and the German Diversity Award. Annahita Esmailzadeh was born in Munich, where she grew up in a socially disadvantaged area as the daughter of Iranian immigrants.


In the herCAREER Podcast
Joint Generations: Gen Z-Allüren vs. Boomer-Arroganz – Wie wir Vorurteile durchbrechen und Altersdiversität leben
Von Quotenfrauen und alten weißen Männern

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