Category: Speaker, Table Captain
Cornelia Holsten
DirectorBremish State Media Authority
Cornelia Holsten, a lawyer, has been the Director of the Bremish State Media Authority since 2009. Since 2019, she has been the nationwide spokesperson for accessibility in the media on behalf of the media authorities, and since 2021, she has also been responsible for diversity.
Previously, she served as the Chair of the Commission for the Protection of Minors in the Media (KJM) in 2017 and was the Chair of the Directors’ Conference of the State Media Authorities (DLM) as well as the nationwide Commission for Licensing and Supervision (ZAK) in 2018 and 2019.
Holsten’s current areas of focus include digitalization trends, voice assistants, influencer marketing, as well as accessibility and diversity in the media. She is a lecturer on media usage trends and media law at the University and the University of Applied Sciences in Bremen.
Before her role at the Bremish State Media Authority, Holsten was a judge at the District and Regional Courts in Bremen, where she served as the Deputy Chair of a civil chamber for copyright, press, and IT law from 2007. She was also the Deputy Press Spokesperson for the Regional Court. As a trained judge mediator, Holsten played a significant role in introducing court-related mediation at the Regional Court.
From 1999 to 2002, she worked as a lawyer advising and representing companies in economic, media, and IT law.