Dr. Julia Tank

Category: Academy Speaker

Dr. rer. nat. Julia Tanck, M. Sc.

Psychological psychotherapist, researcher, author.
She researches the body image of women with and without eating disorders, as well as the connections between social media and body image.

Dr. Julia Tanck is a licensed psychologist, psychological psychotherapist, and researcher. Her research focuses on the body image of women with and without eating disorders, as well as the connections between social media and body image. She presents her findings at professional conferences, in continuing education settings, and in higher education. In addition to her research work, she treats patients with various psychological disorders in her psychotherapeutic practice. She is socially engaged in educational efforts and provides information on her Instagram channel about current body image research, weight stigma, diet culture, and eating disorders. Through her posts, she offers insights into psychotherapeutic work and enables her tens of thousands of followers to actively engage with topics related to these issues.


At the herCAREER Academy
Abseits des Perfektionismus für mehr Körperakzeptanz: Wege zur Überwindung von Diätkultur, Bodyshaming und Weight Stigma im Zeitalter von Social Media

Bei herCAREER im Interview
“Ich empfehle, das Selbstwertgefühl divers aufzubauen”

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