Category: Table Captain
Dr. Veronika Montes
CounselShearman & Sterling LLP
Dr. Veronika Montes is Counsel for the M&A practice at Shearman & Sterling LLP. She advises companies, investors and banks on equity and capital markets law issues, in particular on ECM transactions such as IPOs, capital increases, share placements as well as public takeovers and compliance issues.
After graduating from law school, Ms. Montes received her doctorate in European capital markets law from the University of St. Gallen and started her career at Sullivan & Cromwell LLP. Motivating and supporting women in career issues as well as balancing family and career are topics she has long advocated.
Prior to her new position as Counsel at Shearman & Sterling LLP, she was Counsel at GLNS, where she created a mentoring program for women of all seniority levels. She is also a member of “nushu” – a network for women advocating for more femininity in business.
Dr. Veronika Montes is the mother of a son and a trained yoga teacher.