Category: Podcast Speaker, Speaker, Table Captain
Eva Gengler
Co-founder of enableYou and feminist AI, PhD candidate in Information Systems at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg.Eva is engaged in feminism both academically, entrepreneurially, and on a voluntary basis, and, when time allows, also artistically. Her focus is on power, how it is distributed, and how it can be changed with Feminist AI and Future Leadership, Skills, and Organizations. She is a doctoral candidate at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg and a member of the International Doctoral Collegiate Business and Human Rights at CHREN. Eva is a co-founder of the organizational and IT consulting firm enableYou and of feminist AI. She is a (TEDx) speaker and a board member of erfolgsfaktor FRAU e.V.
In the herCAREER Podcast
Unsere Zukunft der Arbeit mit künstlicher Intelligenz – Wie Frauen davon profitieren können