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Helma Sick
Financial expert, "woman & money"Helma Sick Financial services for women
The financial expert Helma Sick was born on March 5, 1941, in Viechtach/Bavarian Forest and has a son.
After completing her secondary education in 1957, she pursued a career in office management, eventually becoming the executive secretary of a large housing construction company. Additionally, starting in 1970, she became involved in the women’s movement with the goal of learning more about the discrimination faced by women.
- In 1972, she married Erwin Sick, a Dipl.-Chemist.
- From 1977 until the end of 1982, she co-founded and served as the managing director of FRAUENHILFE, a municipal facility for abused women and children in Munich.
- In 1982, she adopted her son Markus, born in 1978.
- From 1982 to 1988, her main occupation was being a mother. During this time, she pursued evening studies in business administration at the Administrative and Economic Academy, earning the title of “Betriebswirtin (VWA).” She also served on the board of a vocational integration association and founded two companies that primarily employed mentally challenged individuals.
- In 1986 and 1987, she had an “apprenticeship” in a financial services company.
- In 1987, she founded her own company, “frau & geld,” which provided financial services for women.
- In 2001, she went through a divorce.
- In 2008, she converted her sole proprietorship into a “GmbH & Co KG” and has since been a managing partner alongside Renate Fritz, a financial planner.
- In 2022, she sold the company to her niece Renate Fritz.
- Since then, she has dedicated herself exclusively to her “life theme” through lectures, articles, interviews, podcasts, and more (see details below).
- From 1994 to 2014, she co-authored 11 financial guides, some of them with Renate Fritz.
- Currently available on the market:
- 2015: “Ein Mann ist keine Altersvorsorge – warum finanzielle Unabhängigkeit für Frauen so wichtig ist” (A Man is Not a Retirement Plan – Why Financial Independence is Crucial for Women), co-authored with Renate Schmidt (former Federal Minister for Family Affairs).
- 2018: “Aufgeben kam nie in Frage” (Giving Up Was Never an Option) – Autobiography, published by Penguin-Verlag.
- 2021: “Frau & Geld – wie Frauen finanziell unabhängig werden” (Woman & Money – How Women Can Achieve Financial Independence), co-authored with Renate Fritz.
Additionally, since 1988:
- She has delivered numerous nationwide lectures on the topic of “Financial Independence and Avoidance of Poverty in Old Age.”
- She has contributed articles and interviews to various magazines.
- She has participated in various podcasts.
- She has been involved in numerous radio and television broadcasts.
- From 1996 to 2002, she provided biweekly “Money Tips” in the women’s magazine “Brigitte.”
- From 2003 to 2013, she answered “Money Questions” in the women’s magazine “Brigitte-Woman” on a monthly basis.
In October 2022, she was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit by State Minister Ulrike Scharf. On April 3, 2023, a documentary film titled “Lebenslinien” (Life Lines) about her life was aired on BR (Bayerischer Rundfunk), a German television channel.
In the Podcast herCAREER Voice
Finanziell selbstbestimmt! Wie sich Frauen ein unabhängiges Leben sichern