Category: Podcast Speaker, Speaker
Ines Imdahl
Psychologist, Managing Directorrheingold salon
Ines Imdahl studied psychology at the University of Cologne, specializing in morphology. Since January 2000, she has been managing director and owner at rheingold. She helped shape and build up the rheingold Institute, one of the most renowned international addresses for depth psychological market and media research.
In 2011, together with Jens Lönneker, she founded rheingold salon, a depth-psychological research agency that combines empery, strategies, design and implementation processes.
Ines Imdahl’s work focuses on psychological market and cultural research, especially in the area of women’s and youth research, as well as advertising effects research. Her numerous studies, publications and media presence on the topics of women, youth and advertising underline her undisputed expertise in these fields. For more than two years, she was an advertising advice columnist in the Handelsblatt, and her book “Werbung auf der Couch”(“Advertising on the Couch”, Herder-Verlag) shows why and how advertising can really affect us. Today, she is also an expert for the “Werbecheck” (“Advertising Check”) and a service time psychologist in her program “5 Fallen – 2 Experten” (“5 Traps – 2 Experts”) together with Prof. Dr. Vogel (lawyer) on WDR television.
Ines Imdahl is married and has four children. Next to her work, her family comes first.
In the Podcast herCAREER Voice
Warum Frauen die Welt retten werden – und Männer dabei unerlässlich sind
Interviewed by herCAREER
„Solange das männliche Maß das Ideal für Führung und Macht ist, werden wir nicht weiterkommen“