Category: Podcast Speaker, Speaker
Laura Fröhlich
Journalist, blogger, book author, speaker and Mental Load expert.Laura Fröhlich is a journalist, blogger, book author, speaker and Mental Load expert. In 2014, she founded her successful blog ” Heute ist Musik” (“Today is Music”), on which she deals with compatibility, feminism and financial independence for women – topics on which she also holds workshops, online seminars and lectures. After studying German literature in Constance and Vienna, she completed a traineeship in publishing, worked in press relations, started her own business as a copywriter and journalist, and currently works full-time in a communications agency for kids and family marketing. In 2020, she published her Mental Load guidebook ” Die Frau fürs Leben ist nicht das Mädchen für alles!” (The woman for life is not the girl for everything!) with Kösel Publishing. Laura Fröhlich lives in southern Germany, is married and has three children.
In the Podcast herCAREER Voice
Was Eltern gewinnen, wenn sie den Mental Load teilen