#WomenInMaleFields – This TikTok hashtag went viral. “The debate it sparked reflects the gender divide quite well,” writes Franka Klaproth in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

“Often, it is emphasized that these are not made-up scenarios but actual accounts of personal experiences.”

The majority of the female community seems to share a unanimous opinion about this viral phenomenon: the trend is “the therapy we didn’t know we needed,” as one comment puts it. Another adds, “It’s about flipping men’s behavior to reveal just how toxic it is. These are things men have done to women.”

Klaproth explains, “The intention behind reversing these stereotypes is certainly not to reproduce them. Rather, it’s about serving the ball back to show that such statements are not okay and that they even have structural dimensions.”

The male reaction on TikTok spans a wide range, “showcasing a spectrum of misunderstandings. These range from ‘well-intentioned but not thought through’ to complete denial. Some men indignantly try to launch a counter-movement with the hashtag #meninfemalefields.” Some men seem to feel caught off guard and begin to reflect. “Unfortunately, most fail to connect the dots about what this trend might or should lead to. Instead, it’s back to a game of winning and losing.”

The dynamic between genders appears clear: it’s an “us versus them” or “them versus us.” In the end, it seems only one side can emerge as the winner. Yet, one comment offers hope, coming from a man: “Brother, I think they don’t even want to win—they want us to change! Crazy, I know.”

Thankfully, there are men willing to differentiate, reflect on their own behavior, and question stereotypes. At herCAREER, we’ve been working on breaking down gender roles and questioning them for around ten years—together with our incredible community!

According to a study presented by DIW Berlin – German Institute for Economic Research – gender roles in Germany have significantly evolved over the last 30 years and become more egalitarian. However, this shift has been even more pronounced in Scandinavian countries.

What do you think of the #WomenInMaleFields trend? Have you participated yourself? Feel free to share links to your contributions in the comments!

herVIEW - Natascha Hoffner

Posted Natascha Hoffner, Founder & CEO of herCAREER | Recipient of the FTAfelicitas Award from Femtec.Alumnae e.V. | LinkedIn Top Voice 2020 | Editor of the “Women of the Year” books published by Callwey Verlag

posted on LinkedIn on 11.12.2024