Career Website

at herCAREER Expo 2023
Halle / hall 3 / L.15

Exhibition segments

We offer exciting JOBS.

the modern engineers GmbH


Business environment

New-work environment with lean hierarchies
Start-up environment or start-up like environment


Home-office, blank contract oppotunities (you can define your own benefits and we discuss), 30 days holiday per year including approved absence for special occasions, National holidays that lie on a weekend are given on the Monday as an approved absence, choice of monthly budget for self-care (gym/physio/massage/sport/mental health/physical health etc.), Annual and bi yearly all team events, Training budget whenever a training opportunities is found and needed/wanted, and much more.

Microenterprise: up to 9 employees

founding year


Language competence required

Deutsch: Self-guided speech application (B2)
German language skills are not required
Advanced language use (B1)
Englisch: English language skills are not required
Advanced language use (B1)
Further language skills are not required

Education qualifications:

We are open to all degrees

We are specifically looking for the following location(s)





We are looking for employees with the following professional & functional competence profile

Cloud Computing
Management (with leadership experience) – 05g
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 05b
Entry (after further training) – 05c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 05d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 05e
Management (without leadership experience) – 05f
Lateral entry – 05a

Data Analytics
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 07b
Entry (after further training) – 07c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 07d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 07e
Management (without leadership experience) – 07f
Management (with leadership experience) – 07g
Lateral entry – 07a

Data Science & Artificial Intelligence
Management (with leadership experience) – 08g
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 08b
Entry (after further training) – 08c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 08d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 08e
Management (without leadership experience) – 08f
Lateral entry – 08a

Digital transformation (innovations)
Entry (after further training) – 11c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 11d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 11e
Management (without leadership experience) – 11f
Management (with leadership experience) – 11g
Lateral entry – 11a
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 11b

Computer science
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 17b
Entry (after further training) –17c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 17d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 17e
Management (without leadership experience) – 17f
Management (with leadership experience) – 17g
Lateral entry – 17a

Software engineering / software development / coding
Management (with leadership experience) – 33g
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 33b
Entry (afterfurther training) – 33c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 33d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 33e
Management (without leadership experience) – 33f
Lateral entry – 33a

Business Informatics
Management (with leadership experience) -50g
Entry (expertise self-taught) -50b
Entry (after further training) -50c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -50d
Professional (experience > 3 years) -50e
Management (without leadership experience) -50f
Lateral entry -50a

We are looking for employees for the following fields of activity

Agile / Scrum
Consultation / Consulting
IT / Information Technology
Product Management
Project Management
Process Planning / Process Management
Quality assurance / Quality management

We are looking for employees for the following specific topics and specialist areas

Information technology

Application administration, App development, Cloud Computing, Data Analytics, ata Science, Database Development / Data Warehouse / Business Intelligence / Big Data, Digital Transformation, Software development, Other: IT, Product Development / Produkt Management

Content participation

Farida Abou-elenein

Farida Abou-elenein
CEO & Modern Engineer, the modern engineers GmbH


12/10/2023 11:00 AM - 11:20 AM

Auditorium 1 | Halle / hall 2

Thread / thematic series: Mentoring & Networking, Science, Engineering, Digitalization & Technology

Joblevel: Career entry, Professional, Lateral entry, Startup & Entrepreneurship

IT as an Artform
Systemic Sexism has created a cold & rough world, specifically within the IT community. From a young age, we fight to include young females in STEM programs, coding or even to consider that IT is approachable. I spent my life as a student and young professional searching for creativity in IT, trying to combat the idea of a man sitting in a corner with a headset coding and replacing it with a diverse community working to create an interesting product together using engineering concepts that include artistic creativity. IT as an art form creates an approachable and intensely interesting idea of what IT really is and maybe can finally make it something that everyone looks to try at a young age.

Details about the speaker Farida Abou-elenein
Vita: Der Weg von Farida Abou-Elenein veranschaulicht die Macht der Leidenschaft, Widerstandsfähigkeit und des Strebens nach Veränderung. Als modern engineer und CEO prägt sie die Branche und inspiriert andere dazu, Grenzen zu überschreiten und Innovationen in ihren eigenen Unternehmungen zu begrüßen. Geboren in London als Tochter eines ägyptischen Vaters und einer deutschen Mutter, prägte ihre multikulturelle Erziehung ihre Wertschätzung für Vielfalt und verschiedene Perspektiven schon von klein an. Farida absolvierte ein Studium in Informatik und Mathematik in London und schloss später als alleinerziehende Mutter erfolgreich ihr Architekturstudium in Deutschland ab. In ihrer Tätigkeit als IT-Beraterin in Deutschland entdeckte Farida ihre wahre Leidenschaft für das Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) in Projekten unterschiedlicher Branchen. Sie erkannte das Potenzial, durch die Verbesserung von Prozessen und Tools entlang des gesamten Produktentwicklungszyklus nachhaltige Veränderungen herbeizuführen. Mit dem Wunsch, positive Veränderungen in der IT-Beratungsbranche zu bewirken, gründete Farida gemeinsam mit ihrem Partner die „modern engineers GmbH“ . Als CEO treibt sie Innovationen voran, implementiert modernste Technologien und verbessert die Effizienz in der Softwareentwicklung. Neben ihren beruflichen Erfolgen legt Farida großen Wert auf ihre Rolle als Mutter. Sie schafft es, persönliches und berufliches Leben in Balance zu halten und dient als Vorbild für angehende Ingenieure, indem sie die Bedeutung von Ausdauer und Entschlossenheit bei der Verfolgung von Träumen betont.