Career Website

at herCAREER Expo 2023
Halle / hall 3 / L.11

Exhibition segments

We offer exciting JOBS.


We have offers for the COMPATIBILITY of family and career.

We have CONSULTING SERVICES on law, health, career & social media.

Business directory

Automotive sector

Webasto Gruppe

Our Inspiration Drives the World of Mobility - This is our vision. With enthusiasm for technologies and innovations, we develop high-performance quality products. When it comes to mobility, Webasto enables exceptional comfort and pleasurable experiences - roof and heating systems or with battery systems and charging solutions for the future market of electro mobility. We are a global systems partner to almost all automotive manufacturers and rank among the 100 largest suppliers in the industry. Webasto has a strong market position in the aftermarket business and provides retailers and end customers with customized solutions and services.


Business environment

Family business
Medium-sized company
Group environment
International environment


Flexible working, great scope for decision-making, intercultural working, mobile working, sabbatical, subsidized canteen, in-house technical academy, childcare offers, childcare during the summer vacations. Children's and young people's day, sports offers, e-learning platform, language training, health days, free parking with partly e-charging stations, Christmas and vacation bonus, benefits for employees, capital-forming benefits, profit sharing, gratuities for service anniversaries, company events, Webasto Foundation, JobRad leasing, benefits in various gym facilities.

Major enterprise more than 1000 employees

founding year


Language competence required

Deutsch: Self-guided speech application (B2)
Expert language skills (C1)
(Approximate) Native language skills (C2)
Elementary speech application (A1 / A2)
Advanced language use (B1)
Englisch: Elementary speech application (A1 / A2)
Advanced language use (B1)
Self-guided speech application (B2)
Expert language skills (C1)
(Approximate) Native language skills (C2)
Further language skills are not required

Education qualifications:

We are open to all degrees

We are specifically looking for the following location(s)


Augsburg, Munich, Nuremberg

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania


Europe except Germany

Northern Europe, Western Europe, Central Europe, South-East Europe, South Europe, Luxembourg, Austria, Luxemburg


Northwest, Northeast

Other parts of the world

Australia, China, India



We are looking for employees with the following professional & functional competence profile

Autonomous driving
Entry (after further training) – 02c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 02d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 02e
Management (without leadership experience) – 02f
Management (with leadership experience) – 02g

Cloud Computing
Entry (after further training) – 05c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 05d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 05e
Management (without leadership experience) – 05f

Data Analytics
Entry (after further training) – 07c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 07d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 07e
Management (without leadership experience) – 07f

Data Science & Artificial Intelligence
Entry (after further training) – 08c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 08d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 08e

Entry (after further training) – 13c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 13d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 13e

Management (with leadership experience) -43g
Entry (expertise self-taught) -43b
Entry (after further training) -43c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -43d
Professional (experience > 3 years) -43e
Management (without leadership experience) -43f
Lateral entry -43a

Electrical engineering and information technology
Entry (after further training) – 14c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 14d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 14e
Management (without leadership experience) – 14f
Management (with leadership experience) – 14g
Lateral entry – 14a
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 14b

Management (with leadership experience) -44g
Entry (expertise self-taught) -44b
Entry (after further training) -44c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -44d
Professional (experience > 3 years) -44e
Management (without leadership experience) -44f
Lateral entry -44a

Finance / Taxation
Management (with leadership experience) -45g
Entry (after further training) -45c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -45d
Professional (experience > 3 years) -45e
Management (without leadership experience) -45f

Computer science
Entry (after further training) –17c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 17d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 17e
Management (without leadership experience) – 17f
Management (with leadership experience) – 17g

Engineering (others)
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 18b
Entry (after further training) – 18c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 18d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 18e
Management (without leadership experience) – 18f
Management (with leadership experience) – 18g
Lateral entry – 18a

Internet of Things (IoT)
Entry (after further training) – 19c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 19d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 19e

Communication / PR / media / linguistics and cultural studies
Entry (after further training) – 21c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 21d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 21e
Management (without leadership experience) – 21f
Management (with leadership experience) – 21g

Management (with leadership experience) – 26g
Entry (after further training) – 26c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 26d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 26e
Management (without leadership experience) – 26f

Natural sciences (other)
Entry (after further training) – 28c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 28d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 28e
Management (without leadership experience) – 28f

Software engineering / software development / coding
Management (with leadership experience) – 33g
Entry (afterfurther training) – 33c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 33d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 33e
Management (without leadership experience) – 33f

Business Informatics
Management (with leadership experience) -50g
Entry (after further training) -50c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -50d
Professional (experience > 3 years) -50e
Management (without leadership experience) -50f

Entry (after further training) – 35c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 35d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 35e

Strategy & Innovation
Entry (after further training) – 36c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 36d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 36e
Management (without leadership experience) – 36f
Management (with leadership experience) – 36g

Web design & web development
Entry (after further training) – 39c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 39d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 39e

Management (with leadership experience) – 41g
Entry (after further training) – 41c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 41d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 41e
Management (without leadership experience) – 41f

Industrial Engineering and Management
Management (with leadership experience) -49g
Entry (expertise self-taught) -49b
Entry (after further training) -49c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -49d
Professional (experience > 3 years) -49e
Management (without leadership experience) -49f
Lateral entry -49a

We are looking for employees for the following fields of activity

Agile / Scrum
Consultation / Consulting
Business Development
Controlling & Planning
Customer Service & Customer Care
Digital Transformation
Purchasing / Procurement
Graphics & Design
IT / Information Technology
Communication & PR
Marketing & Advertising
Materials Management
Sustainability / Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Human Resources
Product Management
Project Management
Process Planning / Process Management
Quality assurance / Quality management
Accounting / Bookkeeping
Processing & Administration
Supply Chain Management
Distribution / Sales
Miscellaneous / Other

We are looking for employees for the following specific topics and specialist areas

Banking / Finance / Financial Services and Insurance

Business Analysis, Financial Accounting / Balance Sheet Accounting, Salary Accounting / Payroll Accounting, Taxes

Purchasing / Materials Management / Logistics

Procurement logistics, Production logistics, Supply Chain Management, Other: Purchasing

Information technology

Application administration, Autonomous driving, Cloud Computing, Data Analytics, Database Development / Data Warehouse / Business Intelligence / Big Data, Digital Transformation, Embedded Systems / Firmware Development, Hardware Development, IT Security, Robotics / Robotics Technology, SAP ERP consulting / development, Software development, System Administration / Network Administration, Technical Documentation, UI / UX, Web Development, Business Informatics, Other: IT, Technical Documentation

Engineering and technical professions

Technical Documentation, Dental Technology, Other: Engineering, Materials Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Plant construction and production engineering, Automation engineering, Electrical engineering / Electronics, E-Mobility, Energy and environmental technology, Renewable energy, Vehicle construction / Automotive engineering / Engine technology, Construction / Visualization, Plastics technology, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Technical Documentation

Marketing and Communication

Brand Management, Digital Marketing & Sales, Direct Marketing, e-Commerce, International Business & Communication, Market Research / Market Analysis, Online Marketing, PR / Corporate Communications, Other: Marketing

HR Department

Wages / Salary, Other: HR Department

Content participation

Reis Theresa

Reis Theresa
Business Development Expert, Webasto Gruppe


13/10/2023 12:15 PM - 01:00 PM

MeetUp D.08 | Halle / hall 2

Thread / thematic series: Society, Personality and competence development

Joblevel: Career entry, Professional, Lateral entry, Startup & Entrepreneurship

Leidenschaft fĂĽr Nachhaltigkeit: Mein Weg in der eMobility-Branche
„Mein Weg in der eMobility (Batteries)“, ein Erfahrungsbericht, über die Aufgabenvielfalt einer Business Development Expertin und wie sich das mit dem Thema Nachhaltigkeit vereinen lässt. Theresa spricht als Vertreterin einer Generation, die ein hohes Bewusstsein für Nachhaltigkeit mitbringt. Das Thema Sustainability wird immer wichtiger und ist in fast keinem Bereich mehr wegzudenken. Wir wollen nachhaltiger sein bei unserer Ernährung, unserer Kleidung, Mobilität und bei den Produkten, die wir in unserem Alltag verwenden. Aber wie sieht es im Arbeitsleben aus? Was, wenn man in einem Bereich arbeitet, der von vielen als kritisch angesehen wird…

Details about the speaker Reis Theresa
Vita: Theresa absolvierte 2018 ein Duales Bachelorstudium im Bereich Technical Management. Bereits während ihres Studiums entschied sie sich in ihrer Bachelorarbeit für ein Thema mit nachhaltigem Fokus: "Evaluation von Entsorgungsstrategien für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien am Ende des Produktlebenszyklus“. Nach Abschluss ihres Studiums startete Theresa ihre Karriere als Projekt Einkäuferin für Batteriesysteme. Seit 2021 hält sie die Position als Business Development Expertin für OEM-Projekte inne und ist Teil des Nachhaltigkeitsteams innerhalb der Webasto Battery Sparte.

Bettina Barnet

Bettina Barnet
Change Management Expert & (Agile) Coach, Webasto Gruppe


12/10/2023 12:15 PM - 01:00 PM

MeetUp E.04 | Halle / hall 2

Thread / thematic series: Leadership & Communication, Personality and competence development

Joblevel: Career entry, Professional, Leading position, Lateral entry

Positive Leadership: Mit Inspiration, Empathie und Stärkenorientierung Potentiale entfalten und erfolgreiche Teams gestalten
Positive Leadership ist ein Ansatz, der sich darauf konzentriert, eine positive und inspirierende Lebens- und Arbeitsumgebung zu schaffen. Es geht darum, sich selbst und andere Menschen zu motivieren, zu unterstützen und zu befähigen, das volle Potenzial auszuschöpfen und erfolgreich zu sein. In diesem Meetup erfährst Du, wie Du auf deine eigene persönliche Entwicklung achten kannst und dich selbst gut führst, um andere im Wachstum zu unterstützen. Du bekommst Inspiration und einfach Tipps, wie Du Positive Leadership in dein persönliches und berufliches Leben integrieren kannst.

Details about the speaker Bettina Barnet
Vita: Als Expertin für Change & Happiness bringe ich meine Leidenschaft und Expertise zusammen, um Menschen dabei zu unterstützen, ein erfüllteres Leben mit mehr Gelassenheit, Klarheit und Fokus zu führen. Ich habe langjährige Erfahrung im Coaching und Training von Mitarbeitern sowie Führungskräften und begleite Organisationen in Transformationsprozessen und bei der Entwicklung von stärkenorientierten Unternehmenskulturen. Meine Karriere begann mit verschiedenen Positionen in den Bereichen HR, Marketing und Unternehmensorganisation, die mir wertvolle Einblicke und Erfahrungen verschafften. Als Führungskraft konnte ich interdisziplinäre und interkulturelle in verschiedenen Branchen erfolgreich leiten. Meine Qualifikationen als Corporate Happiness® Botschafterin und Beraterin für Organisationsentwicklung und Change Management (SHB) fließen in meine Arbeit ein. Ich setze diese Kompetenzen ein, um Organisationen dabei zu unterstützen, zu einem Entfaltungsraum für glückliche und zufriedene Mitarbeiter zu werden. Mein Ziel ist es, langfristigen Erfolg zu ermöglichen, indem ich den Fokus auf das Wohlbefinden und die Entwicklung der Menschen lege.

Continuing education

We offer professional training in the following subject areas


Corporate Management, Leadership Development, Employee Management

General Management

Management-Coaching, Corporate Strategy & New Business Innovation

Digital Business

Social Media Management

Project- / Change- & Process management

Project Management, Agile Project Management, Process Management

Coaching / Training (Personality development)

Mental Health, Communication and Interviewing, Conflict Management, Negotiation skills, Rhetoric, Moderation and Meeting, Presentation, Personality Development, Working techniques and Time management, Resilience and Stress management, Self Management, Potential Analysis, Intercultural Training, Negotiation Techniques, Sales Training, Personal Branding, Train the trainer, Voice coaching, Mediation


Language tests


In Germany

Baden-WĂĽrttemberg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Rhineland-Palatinate



Other options


We offer academic continuing in the following subject areas


Extra-occupational, Distance learning, Part-time

The participant can acquire expertise in the following subject areas

Electrical engineering, Computer science, Strategy & innovation, Autonomous driving, Software engineering / software development / coding, E-Mobility, Project Management / Organization

The following degrees are possible with us


You can study with us to the following extent

Extra-occupational, Distance learning, Part-time

We offer the training courses here

In Germany

Baden-WĂĽrttemberg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Rhineland-Palatinate

Products and Services

We have offers for the COMPATIBILITY of family and career.


Parental leave, Family & Work, Return to work, Care & Work, Family service, Parental support, Care & Work

Care & Work, Family & Work, Care & Work, Return to work


Kindergartens, Nursery schools, Daycare centers, Children's facilities, Daycare facilities for children (Kinderkrippen), Initiatives for childcare, Holiday care

In Germany

Bavaria, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Rhineland-Palatinate



Other Options


We have CONSULTING SERVICES on law, health, career & social media.

Consulting (Personality)

Career advice, Personality test / Personality analysis, Nutrition and health, Reintegration / -entry, Burnout / Depression, Mindset / Mindfulness, Mediation

Executive Search / Headhunting

Executive Search, Headhunting, Personnel consulting, Outplacement



Social Media consulting

Social Media

Lifestyle & Female Empowerment

Self Care

In Germany

Baden-WĂĽrttemberg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Rhineland-Palatinate

