Gloria Bernabeu
Equal Opportunities Officer, European Union Intellectual Property Office
18/10/2024 12:15 PM – 01:00 PM
MeetUp C.17 | Halle / hall 2
Careers at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
Join us and learn more about the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the exciting career opportunities we offer in Alicante (Spain). EUIPO is an equal opportunities employer, committed to building a diverse and culturally inclusive workplace and we seek diverse talent from all backgrounds to join our teams. We are keen to share with you the many advantages to pursuing a career at the EUIPO and compelling reasons why it could be right for you. Whatever your professional background is, your knowledge and experience might be just what one of the we are looking for!
Thread / thematic series: Career & Job Application
Topic areas: Diversity & Inclusion, Equal opportunities
Joblevel/Target group: Career entry, Professional, Leading position
Details about the speaker: Gloria Bernabeu
Vita: Gloria is the Equal Opportunities Officer at the EUIPO, and a member of the Talent Management Department. With over a decade of experience in human resources management, her areas of expertise range from talent acquisition and diversity & inclusion to employee engagement and leadership development.
herCAREER is the leading platform for female career. Please, find the program and the ticketshop here: