“We keep eyes, ears, doors, and hearts open. For a peaceful society,” write the initiators of the campaign #RightNowForEveryone. “But for how much longer?”

Thousands of non-profit organizations perform valuable work every day – for example, assisting victims of hate and violence, educating children, promoting volunteerism, and initiating efforts for a more inclusive and open society. What they do strengthens social cohesion. Right now, it is evident: Civil society organizations, with their diverse engagement, are the backbone of democracy.

And all of this is part of public services from which everyone benefits. Therefore, this partly professional, partly volunteer work receives public funding.

However, in the federal budget for 2025, massive cuts are looming due to austerity measures from the Ministry of Finance. Cuts are expected in areas such as democracy promotion, children and youth work, political education, and voluntary services. Federal funding for these could be discontinued from 2025 onwards – many organizations would then have to cease their activities!

In a petition, the coalition calls on Chancellor Scholz to “Ensure in the budget negotiations that funding for political education institutions, counseling centers, voluntary services, social initiatives, and other organizations of civic engagement are not cut, but instead secured.”

The #RightNowForEveryone campaign was initiated by: Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, Anne Frank Educational Center, Bundesverband Mobile Beratung, Bundesverband RIAS, Paritätischer Gesamtverband, HateAid, Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste (ijgd) Bundesverein e.V. and Neue deutsche Medienmacher*innen e. V.. Numerous other organizations are also participating.

#herCAREER fully supports the campaign! Please sign the petition: https://weact.campact.de/petitions/demokratieforderung-in-gefahr-kurzungen-jetzt-stoppen-geradejetztfueralle


Posted by herCAREER, 
Published on LinkedIn on 03.06.2024