“Small Progress and New Setbacks” in Gender Equality … … are identified by the market and opinion research institute Ipsos based on its latest study, conducted worldwide in the winter of 2023/24 in collaboration with the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at King’s College London. (A representative sample of 24,269 people aged 16 to 74 from 31 countries were interviewed.)

In Germany, according to Ipsos, there are positive signs of an increasingly perceived gender equality. However, some study results are also surprising.

  • Whether a man or a woman is at the head of the state or a company is not relevant for two out of three Germans. 65% have no gender preference for political leaders and 67% for supervisors at work.

  • Only 16% of respondents explicitly prefer a man and 15% a woman when it comes to politics. 17% explicitly prefer a male leader at work, while 14% prefer a female leader.

    However, 49% (60% of men and 38% of women) believe that enough has already been done in Germany regarding gender equality (in 2019, it was 35%).

  • Almost half of men (45%) and 29% of women are even convinced that the promotion of gender equality now leads to discrimination against men.

  • 52% of men and 64% of women believe that women will not achieve equality unless men also fight for women’s rights.

  • 21% agree with the statement that a man who stays at home to take care of the children is not a real man. Ipsos breaks this number down by generations: only 8% of Baby Boomers agree, but 35% of Millennials, 26% of Gen Z, and 18% of Gen X.

According to Ipsos, this development in Germany follows the global trend—similar numbers were found in other countries.

The survey conducted a year earlier (winter 2022/23) also produced the following results:

  • 62% of respondents (68% of women and 57% of men) believed that there is indeed an inequality in social, political, and economic rights between the genders.

  • 38% of women and 49% of men believed that gender equality would be achieved within their lifetime.

  • 51% of men and 36% of women felt that too much is expected of men to support gender equality.

  • 29% feared negative consequences if they advocated for gender equality (in 2017, it was 13%).

  • Nevertheless, 45% of respondents could imagine measures they could take to promote gender equality (8% more than in 2018). Only 13% felt there was nothing they could do to make a difference.

herVIEW - Natascha Hoffner

Posted by Natascha Hoffner, Founder & CEO of herCAREER, WiWo columnist, LinkedIn TOP Voice 2020, W&V 2019 – 100 Köpfe
published on LinkedIn on 08.05.2024