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Logo herCAREER-Expo

Statements about herCAREER

Jaclyn Schnau


“Women, especially moms, need real relationships, trusted networks, fair opportunities - not judgement.  Through Inspiring perspectives curated to promote and support women herCAREER offers just that.”

Liz Fendt


"We are on the cusp of real change and progress for women in leadership and herCAREER is instrumental to guide, encourage, inspire and inform women about opportunities open to them today, here in Germany and beyond. This is our time. [...]

Ulrike Scharf


„Frauen sind hochqualifiziert, leistungsstark und karriereorientiert - ihnen stehen alle Türen offen. Deshalb ermutige ich alle Frauen dazu, die Chancen zu ergreifen, die sich Ihnen bieten. Die Plattform herCAREER weist den richtigen Weg. Denn wir brauchen dringend eine gleichberechtigte Teilhabe [...]

Josef Ernst


"At herCareer, we want to inspire women for professions that are considered typically male. For us, it is heterogeneous teams that broaden horizons in traditional male domains and make a great contribution to the company's success with inspiration, empathy and [...]

Onejiru Arfmann


"FUTURE FEMALE AFRICA (FFA) fosters a collaborative space for diverse female leaders from Africa and the Diaspora to thrive and showcase their contributions for the betterment of society. Our partnership with herCAREER aligns with our "FFA in DIALOGUE" vision, empowering [...]

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