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Statements about herCAREER

  • Berit Plewinsky

Berit Plewinsky

2024-04-24T15:54:38+02:00Senior Director Aircraft Component| Services, Lufthansa Technik AG|

“I believe that the most effective way for women to succeed is by supporting each other and sharing best practices and experiences. herCAREER offers an amazing platform and opportunity for women to do that.”

  • Liz Fendt

Liz Fendt

2024-04-18T15:52:46+02:00Global Chief Sales & Marketing Officer, TĂśV SĂśD AG| Founder Womens Network & Top 100 Women for Diversity 2023|

"We are on the cusp of real change and progress for women in leadership and herCAREER is instrumental to guide, encourage, inspire and inform women about opportunities open to them today, here in Germany and beyond. This is our time. [...]

  • Ulrike Scharf

Ulrike Scharf

2024-03-27T10:56:48+01:00Bayerische Staatsministerin für Familie, Arbeit und Soziales, weitere stellvertretende Ministerpräsidentin| Landesvorsitzende der Frauen-Union Bayern|

„Frauen sind hochqualifiziert, leistungsstark und karriereorientiert - ihnen stehen alle Türen offen. Deshalb ermutige ich alle Frauen dazu, die Chancen zu ergreifen, die sich Ihnen bieten. Die Plattform herCAREER weist den richtigen Weg. Denn wir brauchen dringend eine gleichberechtigte Teilhabe [...]

  • Katarzyna Besucherin



"herCAREER Expo is by far one of the best exhibitions I've ever experienced, and... I've seen a lot."  

  • Josef Ernst

Josef Ernst

2023-10-04T11:25:41+02:00CEO| ASMPT SMT Solutions|

"At herCareer, we want to inspire women for professions that are considered typically male. For us, it is heterogeneous teams that broaden horizons in traditional male domains and make a great contribution to the company's success with inspiration, empathy and [...]

  • Isabelle Krautwald

Isabelle Krautwald

2023-09-14T07:46:50+02:00CFO| Mercedes-Benz Tech Innovation|

"Diversity is crucial for innovation and growth. As CFO, I experience how diversity moves us forward every day and, therefore, actively shape the promotion of women. herCAREER is a great platform for Mercedes-Benz Tech Innovation to exchange experiences with each [...]

  • Maija Corinti Salven

Maija Corinti Salven

2023-08-09T10:35:27+02:00Board Member| European Network for Women in Leadership (WIL Europe)|

“Professional networking can open minds and doors, whatever your seniority level. WIL Europe is wholeheartedly supporting the herCAREER which is a brilliant opportunity to get out of your bubble, be inspired and maybe even change the course of your career.”

  • Onejiru Arfmann

Onejiru Arfmann

2023-08-02T16:23:56+02:00Founder & Creative Directrice, FUTURE FEMALE AFRICA| Co-Founder eeden Hamburg, Advisory Board of Viva con Agua Foundation & Artist|

"FUTURE FEMALE AFRICA (FFA) fosters a collaborative space for diverse female leaders from Africa and the Diaspora to thrive and showcase their contributions for the betterment of society. Our partnership with herCAREER aligns with our "FFA in DIALOGUE" vision, empowering [...]

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