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Statements about herCAREER

  • Dr. Gabi Kratochwil

Dr. Gabi Kratochwil

2023-07-03T09:10:12+02:00Founder & Chairwoman| German-Arab Women Business Leaders (GAWBL)|

„I firmly believe in the power of female global networks. Growing together through exchange, networking and partnerships. Striving together for a more gender balanced, inclusive and sustainable future. Let us be open to new ideas, be bold and learn from [...]

  • Rebecca Koch

Dr. Rebecca Koch

2023-05-09T07:42:35+02:00Chief People Officer| DB Schenker Europe|

"In an increasingly complex world, different perspectives are needed to develop new solutions for the future. Women are essential in this. The herCAREER offers a unique opportunity to network and support women in their careers. So that the future is [...]

  • Cordula Plaum

Cordula Pflaum

2023-05-09T07:37:13+02:00Pilot at Lufthansa| Training Captain for the Airbus A330/A340/A350, Trainer for psychologically safe teams|

"I do believe in personal growth by engaging with other people! The herCAREER offers a great opportunity to do this, especially with a lot inspiring women. To exchange ideas and thoughts about personal growth but also modern leadership styles and [...]

Prof. Heidi Stopper

2023-04-25T10:22:54+02:00Topmanagement-Coach & Consultant| former member of the management board at MDAX, author and multiple advisory board member|

"herCAREER is a wonderful format and I love to support it because it encourages and empowers women. I believe that a visit to the herCAREER fair should be a must for all women, especially to develop and benefit from large [...]

  • Tanja Dreilich

Tanja Dreilich

2023-04-20T15:30:23+02:00Managing Director| KIRCHHOFF Automotive Holding GmbH & Co. KG, KIRCHHOFF Ecotec GmbH and supervisory board at Grenke AG|

"For me herCAREER is a platform on which women can learn about professional opportunities, but also on founding ideas and funding opportunities. Young career entrants as well as professional women and also members of supervisory boards - they are all [...]



„I am an experienced job seeker, especially at job fairs. herCAREER is the one, where I met my new employer. The most valuable thing for me is a direct approach. Which was totally supported there. Even if I decided to [...]

  • Birgit Köbl

Birgit Köbl

2022-08-23T08:30:08+02:00Head of ReDI School Munich|

“ReDI School welcomes tech enthusiasts from over 100 countries. With 65% female enrollment, we promote diversity. Our partnership with herCAREER perfectly aligns with this shared mission.”

  • Judith Gerlach, MdL, Bayerishe Staatsministerin fĂĽr Gesundheit, Pflege und Prävention

Judith Gerlach, MdL

2019-08-22T16:53:45+02:00Bayerische Staatsministerin für Gesundheit, Pflege und Prävention|

„Investieren Sie in Frauengesundheit – betrieblich und privat. Es wird sich lohnen! Denn all die engagierten Frauen auf der herCAREER bilden ein bemerkenswertes Netzwerk, in dem frau sich gegenseitig unterstützt.“ Mai 2024

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