Category: Academy Speaker

Chengwei Liu

associate professor of strategy and behavioral science, and faculty lead of the Global Online MBA Program at the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT Berlin)

Trained as an economist in Taiwan, Chengwei Liu (Ph.D., Cambridge) is an associate professor of strategy and behavioral science, and faculty lead of the Global Online MBA Program at the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT Berlin). He held research and teaching positions at Cambridge, Oxford, MIT, Wharton, NYU, INSEAD, National University of Singapore, Peking University, Warwick, and won more than 20 research and teaching awards. Thinkers50 name Chengwei a leading management thinker and Poets&Quants name Chengwei a Top 40 under 40 MBA Professor. Chengwei’s book „Luck: A key idea for business and society“ summarizes his research on how to quantify and strategize with luck in sports, investment and business, as well as its implications on judging merit and social inequality. His current research focuses on how organizations should manage diversity in the age of algorithms and how to be a smart contrarian.


Interviewed by herCAREER
„Glück ist der am meisten unterschätzte Karriere-Faktor“

At the herCAREER Academy
Luck or performance? What really matters in a leadership career

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