Farida Abou-Elenein

Category: Podcast Speaker

Farida Abou-Elenein

CEO & Modern Engineer
the modern engineers GmbH

Farida Abou-Elenein was born in London to an Egyptian father and German mother. Studied Computer Science and Mathematics joint degree in London, worked for two years in development, then decided to study a creative subject which was Architecture (building not IT) – Architecture BSc was completed in Germany as a single mother.

Started a career in IT consulting in Germany after finishing the BSc of Architecture Found my passion in consultingspecifically supporting ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) on projects in many industries Wanted to make a difference in the IT consulting world, not just do any role on any project, but really try to improve processes and tools during and after product development, so Farida Abou-Elenein decided to start my own company with my partner who shared the exact same mindsetthe modern engineers GmbH. 


In the Podcast herCAREER Voice
Combining beauty and function – IT as an art form

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