Nina Zimmermann_Managing Director Digital Publishing BurdaStudios

Category: Table Captain

Nina Zimmermann

CPO/Managing Director Digital Publishing
Burda Studios Publishing

„herCAREER offers a platform where young women can build a network to empower and inspire them to aim for a career they really want. Women in differing leadership positions can offer advice and guidance to students, trainees and anyone else attending the event. Even though there are many qualified working women today, there are still not enough in leadership positions. This has to change! I am a strong believer in supporting this process and am glad herCAREER offers exactly this.“


Keyvisual Newsletter Abo - Frau hält Briefumschlag

Schon Teil der Community?

Hier den Newsletter abonnieren und informiert bleiben über Beiträge der herCAREER Academy, Role Models, Mentor:innen und Gesprächspartner:innen für einen Austausch, Podcast Episoden, Buchvorstellungen, Highlights zur herCAREER Expo und vieles mehr.