Dr. Christine Menges

Dr. Christine Menges
Kanzlerin, Munich Business School GmbH


13.10.2023 | 13:45 – 14:05 Uhr

LiveTrainingCenter 2 – J.10 | Halle / hall 3

Emotional Intelligence – A Key Skill for the Future of Work

What skills do we need for the future of work? Of course, technical and digital skills are needed to keep pace with developments in robotics and artificial intelligence. But when machines take over the tasks that we used to do with our hands and algorithms are faster and better at the tasks we currently do with our heads, what is left for us humans to do?
I suggest it is the tasks that we do with our hearts – raising questions with curiosity, evaluating options, developing inspiring ideas for the future, relating with colleagues and customers. All those tasks require emotional intelligence – the ability to recognize and regulate the emotions of yourself and of others.
In my talk, I share with you why emotional intelligence matters, whether you can learn it, what steps you need to take now – and what puzzle piece we are still missing to create a better future of work for humanity.

Thema/Themenreihe: Führung & Kommunikation, Persönlichkeits- & Kompetenzentwicklung

Joblevel: Einstieg, Professionals, Leitungsfunktion, Quereinstieg

Details zum/r Referent/in: Dr. Christine Menges
Vita: Dr. Christine Menges is an accomplished professional in the field of business education, currently holding the position of Chancellor of Munich Business School. She has earned a doctorate in Leadership and Human Resource Management at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland.
Having dedicated the past five years of her career at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Dr. Christine Menges successfully established and continuously expanded the MBA Career Center. Her visionary leadership and strategic initiatives played a crucial role in creating an environment that facilitated the career growth and development of MBA students. Through innovative programs and strong industry connections, she ensured that students had access to exceptional opportunities and resources, ultimately leading to their professional success.
Dr. Christine Menges extensive experience in university management extends beyond her tenure at WHU. She has held various positions in the European university landscape, showcasing her versatility and breadth of knowledge. For instance, she served as the Head of the Department of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge. In this role, she not only contributed to the academic development of the department but also spearheaded initiatives that fostered a vibrant learning environment for students.
Additionally, Dr. Christine Menges served as the Manager for the Mentoring Program at the University of St. Gallen, where she excelled in creating impactful mentorship experiences for students. By forging connections between students and experienced professionals, she facilitated valuable guidance, support, and networking opportunities, enhancing their educational journey and future prospects.
Outside of her professional endeavors, Dr. Christine Menges leads a fulfilling personal life. She resides near Munich with her loving husband and three children. As an outdoor enthusiast, she finds solace and excitement in activities such as hiking, climbing, and skiing. These pursuits not only provide her with physical and mental rejuvenation but also reflect her adventurous spirit and determination to conquer challenges.

The Essential Guide to Studying Abroad – From Success in the Classroom to a Fulfilling Career (0367235161)

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