Alissa Birkendahl

Alissa Birkendahl
Senior Manager, Customer Marketing EMEA, ServiceNow

Karriere-MeetUp am AusstellerstandEN

17.10.2024 | 12:00 – 12:45 Uhr

MeetUp am Aussteller:innen-Stand | Stand M.09

Taking parental leave as the non-birthing parent at a big SaaS-company

In this MeetUp, Alissa Birkendahl will share her experience taking parental leave at ServiceNow as the non-birthing parent and share some insights and valulable lessons learned.

Thema/Themenreihe: Führung & Kommunikation, Mentoring & Networking

Themenfelder: Business Development, Management

Joblevel/Zielgruppe: Professionals, Leitungsfunktion

Details zur Referent/in: Alissa Birkendahl
Vita: I’ve been working in various Marketing positions within the SaaS industry for almost 10 years and found my passion in Customer Marketing. I joined ServiceNow in 2022. Additionally, I’m advocating for diversity and inclusion in various functions, including being the co-lead for ServiceNow’s Womens Network.

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