„Stop undervaluing exceptional women“ lautet der Rat der HBR-Autor:innen E.L. Campbell und O. Hahl an Führungskräfte und HR-Entscheider. Die beiden Professor:innen haben untersucht, wie außergewöhnlich qualifizierte Frauen & Männer in Unternehmen bewertet werden und was dafür getan wird, sie als Mitarbeitende zu halten.
Campbell und Hahl empfehlen HR: „As a manager, be careful about the assumptions you make about employees’ and job candidates’ goals and motivations. (…) Talk to your employees and job candidates about their career goals and what they want and expect and listen to what they have to say. Hiring decisions should be based on merit, but our research shows they often aren’t. To stop taking talented women for granted and to avoid losing them to other firms, companies need to do more to recognize and address these biases. In fact, a true commitment to having a fair and equitable workplace depends upon companies doing just that.“

Ein Beitrag von Natascha Hoffner, Founder & CEO of herCAREER I WiWo-Kolumnistin I LinkedIn-TOP-Voice 2020 I W&V 2019 – 100 Köpfe
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